Many times, the answer to our questions is in the circumstances that are presented moment to moment. Exercising this awareness builds not only meta sensory capability, but momentum of the moments into synchronicity.
“It may behoove one when seeking truth to seek it from source. “In seeking for knowledge of the world in ancient times, men started by contemplating the stars; then they endeavored to apply to the inner constitution of the human being what they learned from the stars.” - Rudolph Steiner / How one receives such clarity, purity, and power is in form of immaculate conception of symbolic experience specific to one’s unique nature as a divine sovereign symbiotic fractal of omniscience. In other words, and without words, the perpetual unfolding of truth is on display in our perception and interpretation of reality. Answers appear in many forms interpreted by our sensory and meta sensory apparatus. Each according. In a song, an emotion, a visitation from a bird, a brief scent in the morning air, an itch, a memory. The language of symbology is universal. Learn this language “above all”.